Sunshine Solution Services

Your Trusted Partner for Future-Ready IT Solutions

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Managed Services

System Managed Services

Managed IT Services, or IT management services, refer to the administration and operation of an enterprise's Information Technology (IT) systems by a third-party provider known as a Managed Service Provider (MSP). These services encompass a range of offerings, starting from fundamental IT Help Desk support and expanding to higher-level services, including the outsourcing of the entire IT team.


Providers of Managed IT Services leverage extensive expertise in information and communication technology (ICT) to effectively address issues. The Managed IT Services Model enables the use of cutting-edge processes and software to proactively monitor end points, ensuring system updates and preventing incidents before they occur. Managed ICT services can also be applied 24x7x365 (depending on the agreement), allowing end users to rest during nights and weekends while service providers perform tasks and procedures after business hours.

Managed IT Services are typically delivered at fixed regular intervals, offering higher levels of automation and management at higher service levels based on specific service level agreements. End users only pay for the services they request and can scale their levels up or down based on business needs and requirements.

Similar to other essential business functions such as utilities, end users pay for externally provided services such as remote monitoring and management, helpdesk solutions, disaster recovery and data backup, etc. Consequently, Managed ICT services become essential operational costs for maintaining core functionality rather than additional expenses incurred in addressing specific issues with repair models. Managed IT Services also enable smoother and more efficient operations of end users' businesses compared to what they could achieve on their own. Additionally, they offer cost-effective SaaS-based solutions that would be prohibitively expensive if an organization were to build an in-house IT model.

However, Managed IT Services do not necessarily completely replace the enterprise's IT team; for end users, an ICT expert can act as a liaison to manage, provide feedback, and analyze reports provided by the IT service provider. With the majority of day-to-day tasks being handled by the service provider (MSP), the ICT expert can achieve higher efficiency and possess the flexibility to tackle larger, more complex projects that they may not have the time or capacity to undertake.

Benefits of Managed IT Services


By leveraging outsourced IT Managed Services, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can derive significant cost savings compared to establishing an equivalent in-house team while still benefiting from IT support. Additionally, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can offer a wealth of expertise derived from actively managing multiple client accounts, which internal teams often lack.

Furthermore, through the utilization of Managed IT Services, organizations can forecast their monthly, quarterly, and annual IT expenditures, alleviating the need for excessive focus on IT operations and management. This allows SMBs to concentrate on business development without concern for daily IT issues or requirements.

Another advantage of Managed IT Services is the enhanced opportunity for successful implementation of expert security measures and policies. Service providers adhere to standards such as PCI compliance and can ensure that your business complies with the necessary specifications and regulations. For certain organizations, particularly in the financial, healthcare, education, and other specialized sectors, regulatory compliance is crucial to their IT management processes, requiring the expertise and experience of a service provider. MSPs must ensure that the specialists overseeing your IT operations stay updated with the latest information, technologies, and processes to ensure the efficient and successful functioning of your infrastructure in the future.

Types of IT Managed Services

  • Basic service / Desktop as a service: also known as IT helpdesk, this service provides technical support and troubleshooting for all end users within the system, including tasks related to PC/laptop/Thin Client, operating system, virus protection, data encryption (endpoint security), network connectivity, printing, etc.

  • Infrastructure service: The service provider will monitor either specific components or the entire IT infrastructure, including servers, networks, storage, and security. They will proactively identify and address issues before they can cause system downtime and impact your business.

  • Communication service: This includes services such as email, chat, video conferencing, SMS, meetings, etc., facilitating interactive communication between users in different locations. The service provider ensures system security and seamless connectivity.

  • Cloud service: A service that provides management of cloud systems such as Microsoft 365, Azure, AWS, Veeam Cloud, VMWare Cloud, etc. Common tasks include creating and adding objects (users, servers, etc.), monitoring and overseeing objects, and providing regular reports for management.

  • Data Center Management: The service provider will assess the customer's data center, including its infrastructure, system equipment, power supply, cooling system, risks, or perform maintenance tasks. Maintenance requires a comprehensive approach, including planning, design, construction, operation, implementation, asset management, monitoring, maintenance, and predictive analysis, using specialized software for all data center assets.

  • Comprehensive IT Infrastructure Management Service (IMS): This includes all IT services that a business can delegate to a service provider for proactive management and administration of technology, information, and data. Its scope encompasses desktops, networks, storage, data, security, and cloud-based services.

SUNSHINE's Services:

With a team of innovative and dynamic IT engineers combined with experienced experts with 5-30 years of experience in the IT field, SUNSHINE consistently provides customers with the latest advanced IT solutions and high-quality technical support services, aiming to enhance the investment efficiency of our clients.

SUNSHINE provides the following IT Managed Services:

  • End User Technical Support: IT Helpdesk
  • System and Network Management and Monitoring: Administration and monitoring of systems and networks
  • Security System Management: Administration of security systems
  • Consultation/Supervision/Management of Cloud Computing Systems: Cloud-based service
  • Storage System Management/Disaster Recovery Center: Backup and Disaster Recovery service
  • Log Management and Monitoring: Supervision and management of logs

With highly experienced professionals, SUNSHINE has been and continues to deliver trusted IT services to many clients.

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